edit: at first I wanted to just post this as it is, but now that I think about it, having pictures for viewers to look at won't hurt either ^^ so I went on a picture hunt for these shows, and I got carried away, to the point that this post is going to be chock full of pictures lol.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures posted here. They belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
all pictures linked.
shinrei tantei yakumo::
the first thing was DAISUKE ONO WHO VOICED THE MAIN MALE CHARACTER WHO'S A BISHOUNEN. <3 And the slowly-growing-but-surely-there romance between him and the girl 8D!! though at the end the romance didn't development into something SOLID (i.e. confession), it was still there 8D
sample bishounen:

and he gets the girl despite being the sarcastic type:

gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer:
okay, aside from the stupid flower at the end, the whole movie was enjoyable on so many levels. some brilliant robot fights ;OOOOO and moar pretty boys ;OOO pretty solid story~ I am SO GLAD that setsuna didn't end up with marina. I hate her :\ (movie was a continuation of the original anime series~)
sample pictar:

manabi straight:
this was the anime that made me feel SO STRONGLY about how important it is to Have Fun everyday of our lives x) I loved this anime because its inspiring on that level. there are just so many fun things you could do!
sample pictar of the importance to have FUN:

main character of FUN (she makes me want to keep doing fun things):

okay, this was like...first off, my final final impression after watching this TWICE in order to get the story and timeline in order is that I LOVE THIS SHOW. like SRSLY. the story-telling is DELICATE. and I fell in love with Takehito Koyasu's voice here. plus the character he gave life to - cute guy ;D its a story related to english mafia XD and I just TOTALLY LOVE some of the SRSLY CRAZY CHARACTERS HERE OMG FANGIRL HERE 8DDDD
sample pictar of series:

LUCK GANDOR, the mafia-handsome mannnn 8DD my FAVVV, and voiced by Takehito Koyasu<3 :

yeah, bloodied crazy assassin gets the girl too, he's SO CHARMING on that level 8D:

^ yeah..I love you too 8D
another lunatic who loves killing. they aren't getting married yet...but he's SO in love with her 8D he just likes how bloody red looks so pretty against WHITE. he's SUCH a romantic when he tells her "You're the last I kill before I die." AWWWW. MARRY ME. And she loves him to bits too ;D just that she can't really handle that crazy-killing-spree attitude of his:


SEIYUU BUFFET. hands down. 'nuff said. yeah, that's what it is. ALL OF MY FAVOURITE SEIYUUS IN THIS SHOW OMG I COULD DIE. (Seiyuu = voice actor). And this is also one of the rarer times when I totally like a female character in a reverse harem show. she's just so adorable XD she's a side character, but still I love her XD. BODERLINE BL MADE ME GO CRAZY. and actually, not all of my favourite seiyuus were in it. 90% of them were, but THE NUMBER ONE SEIYUU ON MY LIST WASN'T OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Katsuyuki Konishi wasn't in it ):
sample pictars of series' cast:

AND, not to forget, the VERY handsome, and VERY SENSUALLY VOICED (by Takehito Koyasu), TAKESHIRO-SAMA!:

I kept hearing alot about this show and how good it was, and coincidentally its by the same author as baccano, just that this is a more recent show compared to baccano. BUT, BACCANO IS BETTER. I deno why, but Durarara just doesn't top it. I mean I liked it, and the character interactions were SRSLY SUPERB. But the story just isn't as complete as I would've wanted it to be, probably because of how the novels are still ongoing. I'm a HUGE FANGIRL of one of the characters Shizuo Heiwajima here. HE'S VOICED BY DAISUKE ONO TOO. now I understand the hype about Shizuo 8DDDDDD

some better depictions of IZAYA <3:

level E:
HOLY SHIET THIS SHOW WAS JUST EPIC ON SO MANY LEVELS. First off, the insane comedy. I was like ROFL XDDDD And the voice acting here was BRILLIANT. by brilliant I mean how the voicing gave so much life during the comedic parts. and TAKEHITO KOYASU AGAIN. nosrsly, the first time I heard him was in LOVELESS, and that was years ago. and then suddenly this holiday break, I hear him in almost every single show that I've watched so far. THIS MUST BE FATE. 8D and I also love how the character designs isn't fan-service. its old-school style animation. no bishounen, no bishoujo, but the characters aren't ugly tho, they're just not drawn in the typical pretty-style. I still like it nonetheless. no qualms about anything regarding this show.
sample pictars of LOL scenes:


^captain kraft(has a grudge towards prince baka):
according to my maternal grandmother, the best way to cure amnesia is to recreate the shock that caused it. (smug face)
prince baka(with amnesia):
that's just an old wives' tale! wait, why do you look so happy about it? (01)
captain kraft:
I know, I know! I don't want to do it either! But we've no other choice!
...so prince baka got mugged ^ (02)

kuroshitsuji II:
eh, don't want to even talk about this show. its just chock full of fanservice for girls lol (not that I'm complaining 8D). some of the stuff were even borderline BL LOL (that made me go KYA!!!!! 8DDDD). but I TOTALLY DID NOT LIKE THE ORIGINAL(because the manga is still ongoing) ENDING. OMG KILL ME I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO SEE IT. -_- No pictures, because I don't want to put them up for this series -_-
first thing I know about this show is that it was highly anticipated in all aspects - animation, story, uniqueness blablabla. at first I liked it, but then I hated it when they went for the romance and THAT WAS IT. I DROPPED THIS SHOW. Its a DAMN HQ SHOW, but I just couldn't take the romance anymore. I hated it, hands down. :\ SOMEBODY WASH THIS BAD AFTERTASTE -_- No pictures here either, because I really disliked it THAT much.
steins-gate (still airing):
okay, I LOVE THIS SHOW. firstly because Miyano Mamoru's voice acting here is JUST BRILLIANT. ITS BRILLIANT LIKE SRSLY. I've never understood the hype about his voice acting; when he debuted he voiced Tamaki in Ouran, Light in Death Note, and Zero in Vampire Knight - shows that were good, but never topped my lists. So naturally I wouldn't notice his voice here because I wasn't going GAGA for his characters. but in Steins;Gate, this was the FIRST TIME EVER that I noticed his SUPERB voice acting. I swear HIS VOICE IS JUST SO DAMN VERSATILE. I fell in love with it instantly. and I like this whole show in general in all aspects. No pictures because this show is more of PLOT and BRILLIANT VOICE ACTING BY MIYANO MAMORU than pretty boys and girls.
star driver:
MIYANO MAMORU AGAIN. LOVE HIS VOICING HERE OMG. I absolutely LOVE how he brings SO MUCH LIFE into Takuto(main character) in this show. He makes Takuto a VERY VERY likeable character, definitely. I love Takuto ;DD And also as always, Akira Ishida's voice acting. Plus JUN FUKUYAMA YAIZ. Okay okay, aside from the voice acting, this show was CHOCK FULL OF FLAMBOYANT DISPLAYS OF LOL, in a VERY good way. Its a really good series if you look past the repetitive fight scenes ;)) The MOST flamboyant-LOL, imaginative, ambitious I've ever seen. well, that's an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.
FABULOUS boys, they're just gorgeous on so many levels. voice, personality, character design - you name it:

I LOVE her, what with that SEXY LOOK, VOICE, and PERSONALITY of hers, along with her ever-infamous GARASU-KISSU (Kissing through the glass):

red garden:
THIS WAS GOOD. despite the at-first unappealing character designs and the OVERLOAD OF DORAMA during the first few episodes, the pace of the show quickly picked up and fervently displayed the ever-developing character interactions and stories. setting aside the pretty HORRID spontaneous singing of songs throughout the episodes, the highlight of this show is, without a doubt, the character development. man I need to read more so that my vocabulary bank expands and I can express properly how I feel about this show XD
sample pictars:

eden of the east:
like bakemonogatari, this was another highly-anticipated show by the masses. I was blown away with the first few episodes, until the next few all the way till the end it just went a little downhill for me. don't get me wrong, its still a pretty good show in its own right, but I wished the story was flashed out more. 12 episodes don't do this justice, but at least they didn't rush this out. here's hoping that the two movies that I'll watch soon enough, will give this show enough closure hmm. will give my final final final impressions about this series when I get down to watching the two movies XD
I hope you enjoyed this FABULOUS post 8D