note: ALL pictures are LINKED to said better quality images, unless otherwise stated.
so that's the front cover of these two beyond wonderful artbooks. oh off the topic, I just finished watching Hakuouki's anime's first season (next coming in october, thanks to Kay for the news, can't wait!), and I'm like "...I want an artbook for this." HAHAHA. I saw it the other day before I watched it but didn't get it since I really don't know what's really in it, and its still the same now. Its 62$ :\ Really expensive ): I think they(kinokuniya) have two kinds, can't remember what the other one was like hmm...
ANYWAYS! On to Kobato.!
This is the full cover page. Kobato-chan is SO CUTE <3
And this is one side of the pull-out poster which, of course, I did not pull out HAHA. It'd be such a waste. And its not like I have enough space to display it anyway xD Sadly.. >.>;
So these are the character pages of the three main characters, with pretty screenshots -haRt- Kobato-chan is obviously the really cute girl in the dress. She's a clumsy but pure-hearted warm girl who's always so cheery she'll brighten your day once you set eyes upon her. Isn't that great? Someone who's always cheerful~ I'm glad I have people like her in my life xD And the tall guy in the glasses is Fujimoto Kiyokazu-kun. The love-interest obviously. Gosh I have a really soft spot for this guy, he's really cute, and his friend Doumoto-kun, whose picture I didn't take, is also an ikemen(beautiful man, literally). Doumoto-kun is a REALLY nice guy, I wouldn't mind having him for a boyfriend xD He has more of a role in the anime, unlike the manga, which is still ongoing. So basically the anime has its own original ending (which wasn't THAT bad). And the blue stuffed animal is the bad-mouthed Ioryogi-san! He's like the really strict guard of Kobato-chan, but he's good a heart. Gosh in the latest chapters of the manga, some of his connections with Kobato-chan is revealed, and I gotta say its heartbreaking to an extent. The poor guy ;_;
And now, on to the LOVELESS shots~
And these are the full front and back covers of the book. Love the character designs -haRt-
And these are just examples of the character pages. The first is Ritsuka-kun, the main protagonist, and Soubi-kun is also the other protagonist but I didn't take a photo of his character page. He's in the character sketches (third picture). And the girls there are Kouya and Yamato, yes, they're a couple. And they're the only yuri couple whom I don't disapprove of. I love this couple xD
And that is the last picture for this post! And again, here's a teaser for the final blog post that'll be on Kuroshitsuji:
Posted August 26, 2010
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