Monday, September 14, 2009


Hullo ._.

I feel so fucking screwed up today :\
I made a huge, stupid, careless error in my previous lab report and only just realized it after I had handed it in.
Yeah and the lab report before that, I also made a similarly stupid and careless mistake. And these mistakes I made are critical in that they are crucial to my explanations of the results.
Am I cursed or what?! Honestly, I need to learn to read everything properly and just slow down. Gawd..This is just the worst.
Next, my friends and I were discussing about the recent test we had, and now I know I probably screwed up mine when I previously thought I had done okay :\\
And, I also only JUST found out today that we have a mock forensic science test during the 3-hour lecture this week. Wtf. The marks aren't counted since its a mock, but I'm still wtf. Like, WHAT THE FUCK?
Also, I'm lagging behind on my own revision wtf, and I really, really DO need to revise and practice, but I have soooooo many things to do! Physics, maths, core chem corses (2), zzzzzz. And people actually wonder why the science students always have so many things to do while the arts/social-science students just need to have a good command of the English Language, do research, and write heaps of essays. No concepts involved, no practicing involved :\ My life is tougher than yours if you're an arts student who's reading this rant post.
And I also heard that its hard to score high for my course. And that in year 1 you can at best only get a GPA of 3. So I'm like, wtf?!shit...
I have school every. single. day. lasting for majority of the day. When I come back I'm usually quite worn out. Whatever time I have left on each day is SO little. But yet my list of work-to-do's goes on and on. And it doesn't help that whatever chemistry I learnt back in my college days aren't enough to help me deal with the new stuff I'm learning in my core chem courses.
Whatever time I've used to rest abit till now...they don't even amount up to a day(leaving out nella notte, and wala wala and church). I need 3 days of weekends instead of two, honestly. Because when friday comes I'm usually tired, and so I get a good sleep till saturday. Then saturday comes and I don't have much time till monday so I need to just start on work and revise. Sunday I have church, and I come back and revise my work. I don't have a proper rest day to do my own things, you know?
I'm absolutely not complaining here, I'm not fed up or anything. I'm just abit..worn out of sorts, that this routine is somewhat stressful. I feel like... "In the end..I'm not even university-material."
And the university curriculum is as short as 4 months, with a 2-month break after. So we study like batshit crazy during the 4 months, along with tests and exams and revision and practice.
I know that everything is do-able, and I know I can do it lol. Its more like...I just need a proper weekend to consolidate all that I've learnt for the week. And I ALSO need to read up on the relevant chapters taught for the week using the textbooks I bought.

Oh well..

Anyway, on to some amusing stuff.
I caught a roach in my room the other day. Sealed it in an air-tight container. AND ITS STILL FUCKING ALIVE. WTF WTF WTF.
The night I caught it, I decided I'd teach myself to be less afraid of roaches. So guess what I did. I just held the container up at eye-level, and stared at the gross thing running about in circles. Not more than 3 seconds of that, and I was ready to THROW UP MY COOKIES. :\ So yeah, now I'm like honestly thinking that roaches are fucking gross. I never want to do something like this again lolol.

Another small joke,
My dad had a friend who owned a pet bird. Everyday the owner would try to teach it greeting words. So one day his friends came over, and they talked to the birdy, "Hello hello how are you?? ^_^" Guess what it replied?


AHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Apparently, whenever the bird didn't learn the words, which was always the case, the owner would curse and swear, saying "Bastard!!!." So the bird learnt bastard instead LOL. Funniest thing I've ever heard haha.

So that's all for now~~

Posted 14th September 2009, Monday

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