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all pictures linked.
house of five leaves:
I loved it, period. This series stands on its own, separated from your other more typical shows. Its a very life-oriented series, with no overall action plot, but mini arcs. And I LOVE IT. VERY REFRESHING. TOP ON MY LIST. And I LOVE the soundtrack! ITS ALMOST BRILLIANT! A combination of traditional japanese instrumental music with a little modern mix to give off the right emotion for each track. Currently listening to the soundtrack again XD Really, the tracks make me feel like I could re-watch this series for the refreshing and relaxing atmosphere it gives off. Aiya shit, think I could also rewatch Ristorante Paradiso too...SHIT XD!
Also, despite people hating the character designs, I like it (; Its a unique take, and its by the same author as Ristorante Paradiso, of which I'm also a HUGE fanGIRL of. WHY DON'T THEY HAVE ARTBOOKS FOR THEM!!! D: On a site note, its kind of weird hearing Daisuke Namikawa's low-voice-acting. Don't get me wrong, its easy to get into the character, its just that LOW-VOICE coming from someone who voiced FYE in TRC. Yeah. Like, imagine Sakurai Takahiro in HIGH-VOICE OMG NO THANKS. Oh yes, Sakurai-san voices Yaichi here ^_^ Namikawa-san voices Masanosuke yup. I still don't really get the hype about Sakurai Takahiro though. I mean, yes I like his voice, its *cough*very-yaoi-centric*cough* but I'm not going GAGA over it like I am for Daisuke Ono. LOL. Oh well.
Story in a nutshell: It follows the simple life-story of our timid ronin Akitsu Masanosuke who meets and gets hired as a bodyguard by the very mysterious and charismatic Yaichi. Masanosuke finds himself drawn to a strange bandit group who call themselves the "House of Five Leaves", of which Yaichi is the leader. Masanosuke is reluctant to help them, but as he grows closer to his eccentric new companions, he learns to relate to them and grow as a person in the process.

That cat is too cute ><
natsume yuujin-cho + zoku natsume yuujin-cho:
AHHHHH!!! I LOVED THIS. THIS TOPS MY LIST TOOOOOOO. Its VERY episodic, but it NEVER fails to impress me with the very-cute Nyanko-sensei (omg even the word "nyanko" is CUTE. I LOVED THAT EPISODE with the black cat that natsume calls KURO NYANKO OMG CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE *BURSTS*) and the slightly indifferent but oh-so-handsome Natsume. AND OMG NYANKO-SENSEI IN HIS BEAST FORM IS SO OMG *NOSEBLEEDS* I love protective beasts ;) Its like Mai's very fearsome and majestic (yet loving, to me awwwww) Kagutsuchi from Mai HiME. AHHH!!! I LOVE BIG PROTECTIVE BEASTS. DO WANT PLS. Its like having a protective lover who would never leave you ;) In all, I LOVE THIS SERIES. It has a SERIOUS knack for capturing heartfelt emotional moments ;_;

KURO NYANKO. pu---BWAHAHAHAHA XD With Nyanko-sensei angry at how the other black cat is impersonating him just to get Natsume's attention (to his problem).

PLUS I LIKE HIROSHI KAMIYA HERE. He's got a serious talent for quick pronouncing. But he doesn't top Daisuke Ono, Jun Fukuyama, plus others 8DDD! oh yes, akira ishida's here too. but not much of a lingering presence XD
EDIT: After listening to a Hiroshi Kamiya mimic singing Ren'ai Circulation...LOL I think I've officially fallen in love with the voice XD SO I'M OFFICIALLY IN THE HIROSHI KAMIYA FANCLUB NAO. 8DD
...though, on a side note, I really disliked Miyuki Sawashiro's character -_-' I've only liked Sawashiro-san's voice when she's in *ahem*seme*ahem* pitch aka low. The shoujo-otome ones? No -_-' Although, Maaya Sakamoto's voice is good in low and high ^_^
also also also XD I LOVE Hinoe x3! *fangirl scream*


and and and LOL EVIL RABBIT.... NOT. AWWWW. He's actually a very cute/handsome protective spirit guardian ^_^

and LAST BUT NOT LEAST!......BENIO-SAMA!!!! *insert intense fangirl scream here*

true tears:
Its a good story, that's all I say. I've watched this here and there, but only really got around to watching this in one-shot this break. Its rated really good, with all that drama going on. But for me, I never really got into the series simply because I NEVER LIKED HIROMI. I really didn't like her. I loved Noe and Aiko though ^_^ Okay, enough character-ranting. Animation is splendid, and I especially liked the BG art. OH AND, I AM BIASED FOR JUN (Noe's brother), despite his serious sis-con (sister complex) problem, HE'S CUTE OMG. AND HIS VOICE TOO *MELTS* He's my FAVOURITE character despite being only on the sidelines in the plot... BUT STILL, JUN-SANA!!! XD
From top left corner, anti-clockwise: Hiromi, Aiko, Noe (second pic)

JUN-SAMA!!!! *fangirls*

dragon crisis:
hmm..nothing much to say about this. it was a very simple story (though it felt very messy), with characters lacking in some depth, but I still watched it till the end. Though, I loved Horie Yui's character here. Plus her voice is always good. She also voices a really awwww character in Otome Youkai Zakuro (which is also a PLUS PLUS PLUS GOOD SERIES LOVE IT. Sakurai Takahiro's character in it is good ^_^ its not low-pitched, nor high-pitched, but normal ;) seriously, Sakurai-san is really versatile in bringing out those emotions in his voices XD) okay back to dragon crisis. well, nothing more to say, really. its pretty mediocre >< LETS MOVE ON.
this was really better than dragon crisis, though I would've wanted the story to flash out more about the "fractale" system that their world resides in, since the overall plot IS ABOUT the system itself. like dragon crisis, I've got nothing much to say here, except...NESSA IS SO EFFING CUTE AWWWW. PLUS VOICING BY KANA HANAZAWA OMG WIN. She's one of my favourite voice actresses aside from Horie Yui and a few others XD


eden of the east movies:
so this was a continuation from where the series left off and I must say, as usual the visuals were impressive. BUT the story still lacks a little depth...STILL! it was a good ride till the end, yup! Akira is still the really likeable hero in here ahahaha, but that's about it lol. the ending of the selecao game was a nice closure, what with a mini battle of wits, which never really pulled off >< I think Death Note's first half was better. (Pictures are from the anime series sadly :p)

Yeah, he DID kiss her in that scene ;D one smooth guy really. she was ranting about her day and how horrid it went and she was pretty upset about it (job interview). so he just went in for the kill to raise her spirits ;D
Le Chevalier d'Eon:
okay, I really liked this. I don't LOVE it, but I really like it ;) d'Eon is SUCH a young man XD I would so die to be his fiance :X anyways, this is a VERY history-heavy show, and not for people who prefer straight-forward ones. Its based on a period of France's history - the French Revolution, and centers on the French spy D'Eon de Beaumont. He takes it upon himself to trace the mystery of his sister's (Lia de Beaumont) death and finds himself trapped in a society of political rivalry, betrayals and loss. So its history + some fantasy elements = wonderful story yup. I honestly can't say I was VERY absorbed in it because it was difficult to follow what with all that history going on, but despite that, I still think its a really really good show for people who tire of typical anime shows. It was, truthfully, a very enjoyable ride.
Note: In history, D'Eon de Beaumont had no sister and was in fact a cross-dresser who goes by the alias Lia when dressed in women's clothing.

nabari no ou:
...I didn't like this. Despite it being rated well by the masses, I totally didn't like this show aside from ONE thing - the SIDE characters. Yes, you read that right, the SIDE characters, not the main. Rokujou's unbearable indifference until the end - oh gosh it was a PAIN to sit through it. There wasn't even enough development on WHY he had this indifference. And Yoite? I don't even know what to say. The WHOLE premise of this show is just Rokujou sticking to Yoite that culminates in the former granting the latter's wish. Yeah, sure, that's all fine and dandy. But wtf, even if the reason for their "close bond" is because Rokujou feels that they are mirror images of each other, there is almost absolutely ZERO development in that story. Like, why do both of them feel this way? We NEVER see a GOOD flash-out display of the REASONS that surround them. Gosh I was HALF frustrated watching this entire series. I am SO NOT GOING TO RECOMMEND it to anyone. It is, at best, a SUPER mediocre serious about characters. Its FINE if its NOT an action show despite it being about ninjas, so if the actual THING about this show is about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - I never saw ANY. From the main protagonists, to the antagonists, basically almost EVERYONE was just a stalemate. I say "almost" because the SIDE characters shine so much more than the main protagonists. EXCEPT ROKUJOU'S SENSEI. OMG THAT'S ONE FUCKING BALL-LESS WUSS. OMG I WANT TO JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS SHOW. SO FUCKING UNBEARABLE. UGH. MOVING ON.

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance:
I enjoyed this, period. I loved every bit of it. The characters are all so loveable, and obviously the PLOT is where it shines, along with the mecha action. I mean, how many post-apocalyptic shows are there nowadays anyway? Little. I absolutely CANNOT wait for the next installment in this four-movie series that sums up the whole anime yup. though of course, to understand the series, I had to read up about the original anime stories heh, since the movie doesn't do alot of explaining. but unlike nabari no ou, I COULD FEEL character development here, especially for Shinji. He has some serious father issues, and I clearly felt that struggle he was going through so much so that during the first half of the first movie, he was A TOTAL WUSS IN MY EYES. But in the second half, and subsequently in this second movie, we see how the people around him change his emotions and views about life and its issues. Oh sure it sounds corny, but seriously, its the people around you that change you to a certain extent, though ultimately the person to decide on that change, is YOU, YOURSELF.

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