kitty outside the lobby of my house. I think it was taken at night. I can't remember xD

I think...3-4 years ago? You can try guessing. Its MARGRITA! Which I didn't like >_<

SQUIRREL! Taken last year during my first ever university semester, at my estate =D~~ CUTE RIGHT?! xD

Took this at the bridge at central @ clark quay. GUESS WHO?! =D Don't worry, your face isn't that obvious here, so ^^ Don't scold me though okay? And there's no tagging here anyway so >.>; I forgot when this was taken though >_<

NESS! Remember this? Taken at 2am:dessert bart xD We were just chatting idly there, and it was really enjoyable xD My first time out with you xD

Marche! With Daphne! It was my first time there, 50 bucks for everything. At vivo city. Gahhh, I miss those times x))

My birthday this year. Thank you four, for the wonderful dinner x) I LOVE YOU DAPHNE!

LOOKIE! AT THE ALMIGHTY SEPHIROTH! GRACING MY GLASS CUPBOARD RIGHT BEHIND MY BED. <333333333333333 href="http://cat-cat.deviantart.com/art/Sephiroth-XXXposed-49934910?q=boost%3Apopular+sephiroth+xxxposed&qo=0" target="'_blank">THIS picture of him/a>.

Taken on my birthday this year ^_^ LO AND BEHOLD MY TWO LOVES: ANDY AND BOB! I love them lots lots lots <3

Taken on my birthday as well ^_^ All the prezzies I received >w< Love you all!!

Drew this a while ago this year. Yes, its an emo-looking GUY. I had the inspiration to draw such an expression at that time xD And well you know how bad I am at drawing identical eyes so I drew a tattoo over one of the eyes in the finished product.

LAST YEAR! At...uh..I forgot the bar's name. Eski bar? Daphne brought me there ^_^ Those were brilliant sausages btw. And I remember having cranberry juice that day ^^; We should go again =3 With other people too ^^

Drew this for fun whilst studying for exams this year xD Pretty different from what I usually draw. But I like it nonetheless.

My fan ^_^ Cute isn't it? Got it..either end of last year, or early this year. I really can't remember. Someone tell me? xD
Anyways, that's it for now. want a teaser for part II of this picture blog post? Here's one:

Posted June 12, 2009
PART II will come up soon enough ^^
All the editing are done already. The only thing left is to draft it into a blog post xD Squeezing them all into one post wouldn't be very wise afterall >_>
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